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Friday, January 21, 2011

Celebrities in China!

It's very funny how foreign kids, especially blond ones, attract a lot of attention here. Perhaps it is because there are 1.3 billion Chinese people who all have black, thick hair. And most of them will never travel outside of their country. So, seeing these fair-skinned, fair-haired kids is a rarity.

Well, my kids don't like the attention AT ALL! They cringe and run when someone reaches out to touch their hair or shoulders. They are often asked if they will take a picture with them, and my kids always refuse. Except once (I guess they were exhausted from being asked so much)! And I captured it!

This little girl's mom wanted to take a picture of her with T & G. Sadly, they refused! Isn't she cute?
Gavin got sick of people taking his picture, so he started taking pictures of people taking their picture! (Off topic, don't you dig this guy's outfit?!).
The boys didn't hesitate when this girl asked them to be in a photo with her. Maybe because she wasn't Chinese and she spoke English? She was from Israel.
Here it is: the rare photo! This guy got lucky. I think the boys were too tired by this time to say "no." By the way, what is it about the Chinese giving the "V for Villanova" sign all the time? Do they know I went to Villanova?  ;-)

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